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Upgrade your stay
with ideas to do

Your Event in Sitges
Actually, there is always something to celebrate: Wedding, Birthday, Friends, your fantastic life ... what ever. We are happy to assist you!
A event at the terrace of the penthouse with free view of the city from the sea, in Liberty Teddy Bear garden or by the fireplace in the hotel. But also the City of Sitges offers many beautiful places and occasions.
We sure, you have the best ideas, but if you need support, we are very good connected to arrange all for your perfect Event.
First importand to know:
The tiny 14-room hotel do not offer a 24h reception! Please let us know your arrival time to organize your check-in and please contact us in advance, if you should arrive late!
How to reach the Liberty Hotel:
From Airport El Prat Barcelona:
If you arrive at Terminal 1, we recommend the PLANA Autobus towards Vilanova i la Geltrú! (Price: 8,30 EUR/pP) The bus station is outside the arrival level and starts (mostly) from bus terminal 7.
Departure times vary between weekends, public holidays and regular working days. On some days the service is offered every half hour, sometimes only every hour or even not at all. The service is also only offered for a limited time. From the gate, through baggage reclaim and to the bus terminal, allow around 45 minutes. It is therefore essential that you find out in advance about the departure times from Terminal 1 to Sitges, Station: Can Robert via the following link:
If you arrive at Terminal 2, we recommend the train. The train only runs in the direction of Barcelona from terminal area 2b (follow the bridge crossing on the upper departure level). To travel to Sitges by train, you must leave the airport train after the first stop in El Prat de Lobregat, change platforms and change to the train travelling in the opposite direction (R2) towards Vilanova i la Geltrú. A single ticket from the airport to Sitges (4 zones) costs € 4.60 pP. You can use the following link to find the right connection for you from the airport to Sitges:
You cannot walk between terminals 1 and 2! There is a free bus connection between the terminals, should you change from bus to train (or vice versa).
From Barcelona by train:
From the main station Barcelona Sants railway station at frequent intervals for trains to Sitges. Please take the train R2 towards Vilanova i la Geltrú. Since not every train stops automatically in Sitges, check necessarily the actual departure times, especially when you arrive very late:
Arriving by car+parking:
The hotel appears on Google Maps under “CaIle Isla de Cuba, 45, Sitges/Barcelona”. Use the navigation link that you can find under “Contact”. Parking in the city center is only possible to a very limited extent and for a fee in designated parking spaces with a parking meter (APP). The small 2** hotel cannot offer a parking space! Please use the paid parking garage in the Mercadona shopping center opposite the hotel - prices and information via this link - find alternatives on Parkopedia or park for free in the Poble Sec district in designated street areas.
Your way to Hotel Liberty

Shuttles and Tours
Stay in Hotel Liberty Sitges stress-free and comfortable start (or stop) you can book with us! Instead complicated travel by bus, train or expensive taxi, your lovely Hotel Liberty offers a shuttle service - exclusively for you! The driver will pick you from the arrival terminal, even if your flight is delayed, he waits patiently - and puts you on request at the end of your stay also like to re-direct to your departure terminal.
Perhaps you also feel like a private tour to the nearby Wine Region Wine Tasting? An organized tour to Barcelona, the historic Terragona or to the beautiful Girona and visit the famous Dali Museum in Figueres? No problem. We take care and organize everything for you! We have many more trips and ideas, please join like if we may inspire you!

Sitges is full of energy -
with countless events and opportunities to make themselves individually and to tilt his leisure.
Check this links from following Sitges Guest-Organisations for more information & ideas on your travel dates:

We help to entertain you!
Maybe you like to visit to Sagrada Familia? A ticket for fancy Palau de Musica, one of the many Gaudi installations or a cabaret & Dinner show at Catalunyas best transvestite club QUEENZ in Sitges? A visit to the world famous Opera or a football game with the most famous football club in Spain: Barca? Please note that you normaly have to wait in a row to get a ticket... The Hotel Liberty organize a online ticket for you, so you will have direct acess without waiting. Our Concierge Service is free of charge - for guests of Hotel Liberty only.
You look for an exclusive or traditional restaurant in Sitges or souround? We are more than happy to assist you to reserve a table.